Friday, July 22, 2011

First Time Blogger

My name is Chloe and I am a newbie to blogging, so please be patient with me! I figured as much crafting as I do, in some cases try to do, I should get out there and share what I know with the world. I am currently working on about a million crochet projects. I taught myself how to do it by reading books and watching video tutorials. Pretty impressive huh? Haha. I opened an Etsy shop and am hoping to make it a success. I am really into baby and toddler items since I have two of my own that age. I like to challenge myself each and every day with a new project. I just finished some hats inspired by the show Yo Gabba Gabba at the request of a friend of mine and I think they are awesome! I have one more I need to work on to complete the whole cast!

Idon't really have one direction I will be going with this blog. I plan on sharing my knowledge and crafts with everyone and basically just have an outlet from the every day mundane. Hope you enjoy following me!

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