Friday, January 20, 2012

Back into Blogging!

Wow, I REALLY fell off the blogging wagon! The holidays crept up on me and I got so busy that I never even thought to work on the blog. Well I am back and I am going to try my best to keep up with it. I plan to post a lot more free patterns that I either find or come up with. Like this one I found at Lion Brand Yarn for a cute little clutch! I made this one as my sister's 16th birthday present.

I decided to use a regular button instead of the yarn button from the pattern just to give some color contrast. I think it came really great!

I am also having a giveaway on my Facebook page in the next week or so to celebrate reaching 200 fans! So go like the page and join in on the fun. I will post the exact date when I get it pinned down! Here is the link to my fan page.

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