Monday, January 23, 2012

200 Fan GIVEAWAY!!!

I have finally reached 200 fans on my Facebook page so it's time for a giveaway!!! It will take place on Wednesday 01-25-12 starting at 11am (cst). I am going to do it a little different than last time though. I am going to set up an album entitled "200 Fan Giveaway" and post pictures of everything up for grabs. Starting at 11 am you'll be able to comment on anything you want to win. This way no one has to miss out on anything. I will use to pick the winners of each item at 8 pm (cst) to give everyone a chance to win something. So if you aren't already a fan, go like the page here. I will have the album ready by Tuesday so everyone can get a sneak peek ;) Have a great day!!!

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