Monday, May 11, 2015

Butterfly Wings Photo Prop

Who ever came up with the idea to put babies in cute little animal hats and outfits for pictures is a genius. I love babies, a LOT. My infatuation with these tiny little beings is my inspiration. I have 3 children of my own and they give me ideas all the time for new hats, hair bows, headbands, etc.

My latest project was inspired by the spring time. I was at my son's Kindergarten Field Day a couple weeks ago and was amazed at all the butterflies I saw flying around through the playground. Then it hit me, butterfly wings! I didn't want to just make a hat and embellish it with a butterfly. I wanted to make something with big, beautiful wings that could serve as a focal point for a baby's first pictures. Here is part of the finished product:

I say part of the finished product because there will also be a hat to go with it, I just ran out of black yarn and have not been out to get more! I hate when that happens...

If you like this pattern and are interested in purchasing it, I have it on Etsy as well as Ravelry. If you would like to purchase a finished item, you can shoot me an email at, as I have not put together the listing for Etsy yet.

Happy Crocheting!!

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