Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Right now I am having a BOGO free sale on all the headbands in my Etsy shop. This also applies to custom orders. Simply buy one headband then in the note to seller let me know which one you would like for free! Right now I have 5 listed, but you can request anything and I would be de-lighted to whip something up :) So go check it out! These make great back to school gifts, photo props, burthday presents, etc. Here are a few pictures. Enjoy and happy crafting all!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Baby Girl's 1st Birthday!

This Friday is my daughter's 1st birthday! I am in awe at how fast the past year has gone. To help celebrate this milestone occasion, I made her a birthday outfit! I crocheted a tiara for her, did a "1" applique shirt, and made a tulle tutu for her. Check it out!

For the shirt I used some heat bond and ironed the number one onto it and then did a blanket stitch around the number to add some color. Pretty simple, but I think it looks so cute! The tutu was SUPER easy. I used some wide elastic and took some tulle strips and just knotted them onto the elastic in a pattern. The tiara is my favorite. I used a pattern from Oodles 4 Noodles. It was really easy to follow. I wanted my daughter's birthday to be special, and while she won't remember it, we can always show her pictures of what a pretty little princess she was!

I have also been busy working on some more Halloween hats. I got a vampire and a candy corn hat finished recently. Here they are!

The vampire was a bit of a challenge for me as I could not find a pattern I liked. So I just kinda made one up as I went along :) I think it is appropriate for small children since it is not too scary looking and doesn't have any "blood" on it. All of my Halloween hats are in my Etsy shop and just waiting for you to order one! Happy crafting everyone!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Gearing up for Halloween....I know already?

I am getting ready for Halloween! I have started making some new hats geared for the spooky October holiday. I know it seems a tad early, but I figure it's better for me to get a jump on it! So far I have made a Frankenstein and a Red Devil Horns hat. They both look terrific! Here are some pics :)

I plan on making about 6 or 7 more hats. Some of them are a spider, vampire, candy corn, jack o' lantern, and a caramel/candy apple. I am super excited! I would also like some suggestions as to what everyone is planning on being for Halloween. Maybe I could help you with your costumes! Well happy crafting for now all!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy Hippo :)

I made a hippo hat for my daughter this weekend and it came out great! For some reason I feel hippos should be either purple or blue when cartoonized. Since this one was for a girl I made it purple and gave it a flower. I love the combination of the purple and teal. It would look great as gray or even pink too! Check out my little model :)

I also had to remake a stork pouch. The original one I made for a photographer friend of mine ended up being too small. So I found a better pattern and whipped one up today. Here it is!

This is such a great photo prop for newborns. I love that it is see through so you can see baby toes and fingers poking out from the pouch :) I have both of these items listed in my Etsy shop if you'd like one! Go check it out! Happy Crafting Everyone!

Friday, July 29, 2011

What a Busy Week!

I have been a busy bee this week with my crochet work. I got a great order for some photo props that I am super proud of! I made a long tail elf hat, pea outfit, football hat and diaper cover, a photo hammock, and a stork pouch. I am so pleased with the outcome of all of them! I will have professional pictures soon but here are a couple I took myself.

So today I decided I was just going to take it easy and give my hands a rest...that didn't last too long! I made another hat, because, well, they are fast and easy and I have about a MILLION hat ideas :) I decided to make a koala hat. Here is the finished product!

Isn't it cute???? I was thinking of adding a bow or flower if for a girl and then making a version with earflaps for older kids and adults. I will have all of these items up in my Etsy shop soon, but the elf hat, football hat, and koala hat are already on there! Go check it out chloebmccrary.etsy.com. Happy crafting all! 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

50 % off Coupon Code for my Etsy store!!!!

Tonight I will be giving out a coupon code for 50% at my etsy store.All you have to do to enter is comment on this post! Simple as that! I will draw at 9 pm cst. Please only one comment per person to make it fair for everyone. Get commenting! Oh and if you don't see something you like in my shop, I take custom requests too!

My first Crochet Pattern!!!

I have been scouring the web for a pattern for a hat that has a shell stitch pattern. I have not found one that I really like so I decided to try and write one of my own. It came out the way I wanted, but I don't know if I wrote down everything correctly. In other words, I need a few testers! Anyone interested? It's pretty basic and not hard to follow. I just need to know where I messed up writing the pattern. Since I am a self taught crocheter, I sometimes improvise when I am not too sure about a pattern, thus the writing of it may be off a bit. Please let me know who is interested! Here are a cople pictures of the finished hat.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Butterfly Tote

This is a tote I made for my niece. She loves butterflies and I thought this would be a great back to school gift for her! I got the bag pattern from http://www.crochetdreamz.blogspot.com and it is super easy to make. The butterfly patterns I got from http://littlebirdiesecrets.blogspot.com/2010/06/how-to-crochet-butterfly.html. Instead of using the embroidery floss I just used the yarn I used for the purse. I also have a flower version that is listed in my etsy shop. If you have any questions, let me know!

First Time Blogger

My name is Chloe and I am a newbie to blogging, so please be patient with me! I figured as much crafting as I do, in some cases try to do, I should get out there and share what I know with the world. I am currently working on about a million crochet projects. I taught myself how to do it by reading books and watching video tutorials. Pretty impressive huh? Haha. I opened an Etsy shop and am hoping to make it a success. I am really into baby and toddler items since I have two of my own that age. I like to challenge myself each and every day with a new project. I just finished some hats inspired by the show Yo Gabba Gabba at the request of a friend of mine and I think they are awesome! I have one more I need to work on to complete the whole cast!

Idon't really have one direction I will be going with this blog. I plan on sharing my knowledge and crafts with everyone and basically just have an outlet from the every day mundane. Hope you enjoy following me!