Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Twirly Skirt

I have found my new favorite crafting blog! If you have never checked out The Mother Huddle, you need to. There are some really great sewing tutorials as well as recipes and other crafts. I fell in love with the Pillowcase Dress tutorial on the blog, and I have now found the Twirly Skirt tutorial. The instructions are so easy to follow and there are tons of pictures to help you along the way. I made my daughter one of them and she loves it! However, I can't get her to stand still long enough to snap a good picture of her in here is a photo of just the skirt, all on its lonesome. I'm thinking of selling these in many different sizes and colors. The possibilities with this one are endless. What do you think??

If you are interested in ordering one of these skirts, please feel free to leave a comment or email me:

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pillowcase Dress

So summer is here and in full swing! If you're looking for a great summer dress for your sweet little princess, here is a perfect one!! I used the tutorial from The Mother Huddle and let me tell you, it is WONDERFUL!!! The blog provides several sizes, tie options, and a tutorial on how to add a lining. I made one of these for my daughter and she doesn't want to stop wearing it. They make great play clothes too! So if you sew this would be a great project and it's easy on your pocket book too! If you don't sew, I am offering these through my Etsy shop: Chloe's Crochet Corner. These can truly be one of a kind dresses with endless fabric possibilities!! Look at my sweet little model :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Barefoot Sandals Pattern For Toddlers

Here's a quick pattern that's great for summer! My little one wears these around the house all the time. They are great for the beach too!! Enjoy!

I made these for my 20 month old daughter, so the pattern is for a toddler around that age. Feel free to add extra rows for a larger size or take one or 2 out for something smaller. You are more than welcome to sell any made item from this pattern, but please don't distribute this pattern as your own or sell it, thanks!!

G Hook
Worsted Weight Yarn (cotton or acrylic)
Tapestry Needle
Buttons or beads for embellishment

Start by chaining 8 and sl st to form a loop
R1) ch 2 (this counts as a dc here and throughout), 3 dc in loop. ch 2 and turn. (4)
R2) dc in same st as turning chain and each st across. ch 2 and turn. (5)
R3) dc in same st as turning chain and each st across. ch 2 and turn. (6)
R4) dc in same st as turning chain and each st across. ch 2 and turn.(7)
R5) dc in same st as turning chain, ch 2 and skip next st. sc in next st, ch 2, sc in next, ch 2, skip next st and 2 dc in last st (6) Do not end off.
From here you will be making the ankle loop. You may want to get a measurement of the ankle to make sure the sandal will fit around securely but not too tightly. I chained 15 and then sl st to the opposite side of the sandal where I started R5. End off and weave in your ends.

You can embellish these with a flower, buttons, butterfly, leave them plain, or however else you can think of. The possibilities are endless ;)

If you're interested in a finished pair, head over to my Etsy shop! Chloe's Crochet Corner

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Loop Petals Flower

I know I haven't been on in forever but I have a FREE  pattern to share with you today :) It's a really simple flower that has an open look to it. I used it on a Sock Monkey hat intended for a girl for a photographer friend of mine. So without further ado, here it is!

I used an I hook and worsted weight yarn, but you could use any hook and any yarn to get different sized flowers.

1) Ch 7, join to form a loop.
2) Ch 1, make 12 sc inside the loop, join to first sc with sl st.
3) *Ch 5, sl st in next sc, then sl st into the next sc,* repeat until you have 6 loops. Sl st to beginning of round.
4) Sc 8 times into the first petal loop then sl st to the space between petals. Repeat for the other 5 petals. Sl st to the beginning of the round. End off leaving a tail for sewing.
If you have any questions, please let me know

Here is the finished Sock Monkey hat I used the flower on. If you are interested in the hat, please check out my Etsy shop or my Facebook page! FB fans will receive FREE SHIPPING on all orders!!!

Chloe's Crochet Corner on FB

Monday, January 23, 2012

200 Fan GIVEAWAY!!!

I have finally reached 200 fans on my Facebook page so it's time for a giveaway!!! It will take place on Wednesday 01-25-12 starting at 11am (cst). I am going to do it a little different than last time though. I am going to set up an album entitled "200 Fan Giveaway" and post pictures of everything up for grabs. Starting at 11 am you'll be able to comment on anything you want to win. This way no one has to miss out on anything. I will use to pick the winners of each item at 8 pm (cst) to give everyone a chance to win something. So if you aren't already a fan, go like the page here. I will have the album ready by Tuesday so everyone can get a sneak peek ;) Have a great day!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Back into Blogging!

Wow, I REALLY fell off the blogging wagon! The holidays crept up on me and I got so busy that I never even thought to work on the blog. Well I am back and I am going to try my best to keep up with it. I plan to post a lot more free patterns that I either find or come up with. Like this one I found at Lion Brand Yarn for a cute little clutch! I made this one as my sister's 16th birthday present.

I decided to use a regular button instead of the yarn button from the pattern just to give some color contrast. I think it came really great!

I am also having a giveaway on my Facebook page in the next week or so to celebrate reaching 200 fans! So go like the page and join in on the fun. I will post the exact date when I get it pinned down! Here is the link to my fan page.